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時間:2016-11-08 16:49:05 來源:花蓮縣文化局 作者:楊均濰 瀏覽人數:
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第11屆「花蓮國際石雕藝術季」主題訂為「大石代」(The Grand Stone Era),精神旨在回歸原創精神、創造觀念並引領時代風潮。「石雕」雖作為傳統藝術,但傳統並不代表落後,透過經典價值的不斷闡述與詮釋,一樣能歷久彌新。我們認為,「創新」並非徒具形式或標新立異,而是必須建立在美學的秩序內涵中,跟隨大時代的脈動與時俱進,方能彰顯「石雕」這門藝術在當代的定位與意義,「花蓮國際石雕藝術季」所扮演的角色,正是作為「石雕」與「世界」之間的聯結平台,不僅為世界各地優秀的石雕藝術家打造出一個優質的創作空間,也使世界看到花蓮的美麗,並將世界石雕藝術的精華收藏於花蓮,讓民眾得以認識、欣賞它的內涵。






│報名簡章下載請至 http://stone.hccc.gov.tw/

│洽詢電話:03-8227121轉203 林小姐





【Press release】

The 11th Sculpture Symposium of “Grand Stone Era-2017 Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival” has started on drafting workmanship.

It has been three years since the last “Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival” taken place. Now, it will be reorganized from July 1st to 31st in 2017. For more than 20 years since 1995, the county has held the festival ten times, building excellent public praise and brand of arts and culture for a long time, and consequently not only accumulating more than one hundred pieces of huge outdoor workmanship in Hualien for both residents and tourists to enjoy beautiful culture, but also making the arts of stone sculpture in Hualien famous all over the world, and the stone carving has become an imperative artistic resource of the local area. 

The theme of the 11st Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival” has been set on “the Grand Stone Era” which spirit is to return to the original spirit, create new concepts and lead the trend of the times. Stone carving is one of the traditional arts, but it never means backwardness. By way of ongoing explication and annotation on the classical values, stone works still can be timeless arts. We consider that “creation” doesn’t mean to make a mere formality or maverick, but must build it in the aesthetic order and connotation as well as follow the pulse of the great era so as to syntonize with the times; then, could the arts of “stone sculpture” manifest its contemporary standing and significance. The role “Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival” plays is to be the link platform between “stone sculpture” and “the world”, so as not only to set up an excellent creating space for every excellent artist of stone sculpture in the world, but also to collect the selects of global stone sculptures in Hualien and show them out to the folks who will thereby understand and appreciate its connotations. 

The 11th Sculpture Symposium of “Grand Stone Era-2017 Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival” will draft 12 stone sculptors from overseas and domestic areas to stay and create works in Hualien for one month next July. They’ll agitate their creative sparks by way of learning and exchanging one another’s skills; then, the hometown of stone sculpture, Hualien will recreate the new value of arts.   

The drafting of the Sculpture Symposium: from now on to Jan. 5th ,2017.  
All the delivery for the initial appraisal should be through the web. 
Please download the application brochures on http://stone.hccc.gov.tw/


洄瀾網 |記者| 楊均濰/整理

